Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Downward Spiral- Part 6

   Jeremy awoke in the hospital. For the first time in, what seemed like forever, he was pain free. He felt content, and worry free. He could thank the narcotics for that. He spent 4 hours in the ER before they decided they wanted to keep him overnight for observation. His right arm, now in a cast was broken in two places. The doctor had said he was lucky that he didn't need surgery. The laceration on his head required staples, but besides having a bad concussion, there was nothing serious noted on his CT scans.
   He didn't want to open his eyes. He liked feeling content. All was quiet around him. He could get used to this. His IV was hooked up to a pump, which allowed him to administer his own pain medication every 10 minutes. Each time he pressed the button, the medication would creep through his veins, and comfort him. There was nothing sweeter than that feeling.
   A knock sounded on the door, forcing Jeremy away from his thoughts. He cursed under his breath, because reality had set in. He was forced to open his eyes. He looked over, and at the door stood Andrew. In his hands, he carried fast food, and a couple magazines. As mad as he was at Andrew for even suggesting that he needed a babysitter, he couldn't be mad at his peace offering. The thought of a juicy burger, and fries made him stomach rumble. The smell overtook his senses. The smell of grease and cheese was almost heavenly.
  "Hey pal, can I come in? I come bearing gifts." Andrew asked, with a smile on his face. He knew Jeremy's weakness for unhealthy food.
   "That depends, are you going to try and hand feed me?" Jeremy replied, trying to sound mad.
   "Only if you want me to, big boy. I'll even pre-chew it for you." Andrew replied laughing.
   "I just puked in my mouth a bit. Yeah, I guess you can come in." Jeremy settled back into his pillow. "There is an extra chair over there, pull it over."
   Andrew pulled the chair over to Jeremy's bedside. He grabbed the bedside tray, and started pulling the bacon cheeseburgers out of the bag, and placed them in front of Jeremy. Next, he pulled out the fries. Jeremy didn't wait to dig in. Compared to the lousy excuse for food that the hospital served, this was paradise. Andrew and Jeremy ate in silence, except for the occasional groans of satisfaction that escaped Jeremy's lips. Andrew choked back laughter, at Jeremy's response.
   "Thanks for the grub, I think this place was trying to starve me." Jeremy said, accidentally releasing a belch, that was loud enough to wake the dead.
   "No problemo buddy, I figured the food they were serving was gag-worthy." Andrew knew the food would be a good ice breaker. "So, how are you doing buddy? I see they got you bandaged up nicely."
   "Ended up with a concussion, and my arm is broken in 2 places. Other than that, I suppose I will live." Jeremy laughed.
   "Good to hear, brother. How long will you be down and out for? Did they tell you?"
   "Will probably be out of work for 6 weeks or so. Won't know much more, until I talk to the specialist. I could use the break from Cunty, anyway. That woman is enough to make a grown man want to heave himself off of a tall bridge. It's a wonder she found a man desperate enough to marry her."
   Andrew laughed. Jeremy sure did draw the short straw, when he got placed with Cathy 48 hours a week. He wouldn't wish that torture on anyone. Everyone at the department secretly hoped she would quit, or be on the receiving end of a career ending back injury. All she ever did was complain, and make everyone's life miserable. If Andrew had to hear her complain about the "crappy" equipment on their truck one more time he was going to lose his composure. Poor Jeremy had to deal with it 2 days a week! Maybe a 6 week vacation is just what Jeremy needed to start getting back to his old self. It wasn't exactly a bad thing. He just hoped it helped his friend.
   The timer chimed on Jeremy's medication pump. It was time for his next dose of pain medication. Without a second thought, he pressed the button. Andrew looked at him inquisitively. "What are they giving you? Hope it's something good!" Andrew asked.
   "Dilaudid. This shit is great. I feel like a million bucks!" Jeremy replied, looking amused.
   "No wonder you are so happy, they have you all doped up on the good stuff. You must have given them the puppy-dog eyes." Andrew joked. "Or it could have been the fact that you came in, naked. Must have impressed the ladies. Good going. Make sure to take names and numbers!"
   Jeremy laughed. He forgotten about his state of nakedness, upon his arrival. They had quickly dressed him in a johnny, and covered him in blankets, fresh from the warmer. "I highly doubt I impressed anyone. Apparently breaking bones warrants the good stuff. I'm not complaining. I haven't felt this good in a long ass time."
  "Enjoy it now buddy, I don't think they will allow you to take that thing home with you. Which reminds me, I know you said no before, but now that you are in a cast, and have metal in your head, are you sure you don't want to stay with me for a few days? I can help you out. I am sure it won't be easy cooking, or taking care of yourself with a bum arm. I just want to make sure you are alright. I don't mind at all. Wouldn't be bad to have company for awhile."
   Jeremy knew his friend was just trying to be nice. This time, him asking didn't seem like an attack. He knew his friend had only good intentions in mind. "I should be okay, dude. Thank you for offering. I appreciate it. Sorry about before, I didn't mean to fly off the handle on you. I know you mean well. Thanks for giving a shit. I will be fine going home by myself. But feel free to stop by with food. Tell Dawn I wouldn't object to her famous lasagna either!" Jeremy said wish a chuckle.
   "Do you want me to go clean up your house for you? I don't mind, and you left it quite a mess." Andrew asked.
   "You don't have to do that, Drew. You have done enough for me. Just merely answering my call was more than enough." Jeremy replied, humbled that he had a friend that looked out for him.
   "It's no problem at all. I will head over and clean up after I leave here. I know where your hide-a-key is anyway. Call me tomorrow when they release you. I will pick you up, and bring you home."
   "Thanks dude. I will make it up to you." Jeremy said, choking back his emotions.
   "No worries, dude. Now, stop getting all emotional. Next thing I know, you will be trying to kiss me." Andrew said.
   Andrew stood and walked towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow dude. Call me if you need anything."
   "Thanks again. I appreciate it. I will see you tomorrow. If you come with more cheeseburgers, I just may be forced to kiss you!." Jeremy waved to his friend, who was pretending to gag while walking out of Jeremy's hospital room.
   Jeremy laid back on his pillow. Seeing Andrew was nice, he was glad he showed up. He felt lucky to have good friends. But, right now the biggest thing he was thankful for, was his pain medication. It made him feel numb. A good kind of numb. He was almost happy. He closed his eyes, and with a deep sigh, he drifted off into a deep sleep.

Written by: RU- Responders Unite
© Responders Unite- Do not remove author's name from material. 

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